
Top ten things to know about mold

For many San Diegans, household mold is a serious concern. Not only is mold unsightly, but it can reap harmful effects on your property and impact you and your family’s personal health. Below, we’ve detailed some of the ways mold can affect people’s health.  Mold and...
How rain and roof leaks lead to water damage and mold

How rain and roof leaks lead to water damage and mold

Water damage and mold Mold only needs two things to survive: water and organic food. Chances are, if there are heavy rains and your home has undiscovered leaks, you’ll likely have a mold problem in the near future. To put it plainly, water damage and mold go hand in...
Do you need a home inspection for asbestos?

Do you need a home inspection for asbestos?

Do you need a home inspection for asbestos? Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral made of thin fiber-like material. During and prior to the 1980s, many homes were built with materials containing asbestos. It is a heat-resistant mineral, found in insulation, roof...

Real Estate Home Inspection for Mold  

Real Estate Home Inspection for Mold Though mold may sound like an instant real estate deal breaker for many, it is actually relatively easy to find, treat and even use as a negotiation tactic for buyers. There are over 400,000 strains of mold known to man –...
12 tips to prevent summertime mold

12 tips to prevent summertime mold

12 tips to prevent summertime mold Mold growth can be more prevalent during periods of high temperature and humidity, like summer. So what are you and your family doing to combat unwanted mold during this time of year? Warmer temperatures and summer rain are just a...

Mold facts and myths: what you need to know

Mold facts and myths: what you need to know Now a-days, finding the correct solution to deal with your mold issues can be difficult. With so many resources available online, it can be difficult to determine which source of information is providing you with the best...

Does asbestos pose risks to your health?

Am I at risk for asbestos-related illness? Asbestos commonly found in home building materials do not generally pose risks to health unless the asbestos-containing material is broken, deteriorating or disturbed in such a way that asbestos particles become airborne. The...

San Diego Asbestos Regulations: What You Need To Know

San Diego Asbestos Regulations There are four major asbestos regulations that impact residential and commercial renovation projects in California that can be summarized as follows: You cannot remove or disturb any quantity of asbestos containing material (ACM), unless...

Proper Mold Removal in San Diego

Major mold infestations are prevalent in homes and buildings in San Diego, largely due to our high humidity levels and condensation caused by the marine layer. Since mold can damage both your home and your health, it is important to take steps to remove mold as soon...